Irresistible Little Husk Tomatoes

What are those papery little things Ray has been bringing to market? Delicious husk tomatoes!

Husk heirloom cherry tomatoes on Ray Bradley's farm stand

Photo by Etienne Frossard

They are a small orange fruit similar in size and shape to a cherry tomato. The fruit is covered in papery husk. Flavor is a pleasant, unique tomato/pineapple like blend.

Can be eaten raw, used in salads, desserts, as a flavoring, and in jams and jellies. Fruits are excellent when dipped in chocolate, and can be dried and eaten.

You can learn more about them here and here.

One Response to “Irresistible Little Husk Tomatoes”

  1. Brain Helvey Says:

    I had so much fun reading through this blog! Good job!

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